Thursday, October 8, 2009

She Cannot Venture Until She Finds her Voice

An itch to scratch...A wild hair that disturbs...What is the waiting for? A move seems to fit like a glove, yet a mere twitch destroys the current stance.
A stone that must be turned...A thought to be entertained...Is this place an ordained and specific chapter? A step in another direction feels chaotic yet comfortable, yet a slight squirm invites unnecessary pain.
A journey upon a treadmill has ensued...a story paused, yet a life worn down. Has the story dog eared or has the reader continued to turn the pages of another life? It feels as though the pages have kept turning with an unwarranted wind....the main character has become damp with trying to keep up!!! The pages of the book are wrought with mildew...awaiting a treatment of new life and a new day. An antique anticipating a new hardcover rather than a flimsy paperback.
The next chapter just pages away, but the current chapter unfinished. The next chapter will remain unwritten until the now chapter has been completed. A nonsensical venture to continue striving to what locations are undiscovered if the current venture is untended.
The main character locked in the current chapter until a level of reason is far ahead. The destiny left unreached without each step taken...taken slow or fast should not determine the focus granted in each chapter...on each stone...with every new hair.
New levels of understanding...New depths of pain...New beauty from within...New audiences to relate...the main character cannot venture into the next chapter until she finds her voice in the current sentence!
Main character and Reader must become one in mind, body and the Reader is ultimately the Writer of the main character's are the main character!