Friday, November 13, 2009

A Banner of Redemption and Hope ...The Silver Lining

A glance upward through a pane of glass - gigantic white comfort hovering thousands of miles away! Such creative beauty painted upon a canvas of blue sky. A rich illumination settling in the distance has invited sherbet melons and creamy oranges to splash the white comforts with more creative beauty...yet, He is not finished painting! A word of love, "The Silver Lining."
A gaze into the world unknown and not yet understood nearly breaks the pane of glass between. A swerve and a miss...back in between the lines again and time to reset the skyward stare. Again, "The Silver Lining"....a statement almost audible and repetitive. The coziness of the heavens outlined in Silver. Large colorless pillows full of dreams outlined in Silver...
At a destination and unknown is the process of arrival as daydreaming at the wonderment of the above...what were the goals for that particular moment in time on earth? Lost in another place and jolted back to a carnal reality with the auto-pilot placement of a gadget going from 'D' to 'P'. A mind suddenly flooded with daily tasks, personal goals, routine habits and meaningless endeavors that slam the door on avenues of love.
Once again, lost in a tunnel vision of 'busy' with a longing to go back to daydreaming and a desire to pull others in!!!
'The Silver Lining' reflects upon the face in that found yet lost place. Moving between 'busy' and the 'The Silver Lining' can be exhausting and confusing. We must intentionally face 'The Silver Lining' as a means to bring a Banner of Redemption and Hope to this 'now' place of sin.