Friday, February 12, 2010

A Cracked Foundation...An Illusion of Shattered Dreams!

Nose just above water.... The fight is the base. Is her foundation cracked or just shaken? This fierce storm whipping what is of the flesh....running around in her mental cavity as she screams 'what is wrong with you!!!!!' today her new day? .... One brick tumbles from above and then a plethora....broken and bloodied she weeps behind saving face... Yet, reminds herself that a unchanging One holds her, mends her, cherishes her, protects her in perfect love.... Nose just above water as she suffocates in her own tears... Though, Her tears are not wasted or wept in vain....she has a reason to be sure that her dreams will cave in once again, but she chases solace in trusting the One who instilled her hearts desires from conception.... Is her foundation cracked? ..... Are her dreams shattered? .... Broken and bloodied but not blameless yet the One recklessly pursues her precious and panicking heart..... A foundation is being rebuilt and dreams are being increased!!!! So, You feel so distant but I will cling!!!!

Who is she?....Meaningless Lies

confined by a funhouse of mirrors...mirror, mirror chasing me!...she, that lives in that cut of glass, silently shrieks, "Ugly, Fat, Unlovable, Disgusting, Disturbed, Crazy...Ugly, Ugly, Ugly!!!! Not one thinks of you as worthy of love! Just give in and give up the spar for your designated dreams."....mirror, mirror staring at me...frozen...mirror, mirror labeling me....blinded....mirror, mirror slowly murdering me...truckling to lies....mirror, mirror reminding me....paralyzed by thoughts of whats already done and dead dreams...mirror, mirror NO MORE...she is longer staring, murdering, labeling or screaming at me...Abba, Abba whispering to me...'lovely, beautiful, precious, priceless princess'...Jesus, Jesus bestowing love to me...speechless in awe...Father, Father holding me...wrapped in peace...Love, Love uncautiously pursuing me...walls crumbling as my heart heals...again, diverted attention peeks into the post-half of another mirror, even just a reflection or a shadow is not safe...cautious is what I allow myself....cautious love is what I give You...Cautious love is what I wreak of....She is cautious love defined by meaningless lies.Beholder, Beholder telling me I am a Queen....years of quiet hiding....Safety in hiding, but danger in Love....mute, frozen, broken, holding on so tight!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet Sweet daughter...If I speak, if I run, if I heal, if I hold you sweetness....will you let go and live for Love?