Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guess Who!

She has created a theory about the old game 'Guess Who'...she sets in a coffee shop corner in this town and observes...she glares at some...she squints at others...she follows with her eyes so as to avoid a head turn...with a head turn she might catch the corner of the eye as the one being observes passes by....
She has formulated a theory about the old game 'Guess Who'...she sets in the crevice of a music venue and stares...she analyzes the gate of some...she flinches at others...she processes the emotions leaking throughout so as to avoid taking them all...with a crawling spine and unseen chills she contemplates reaching out to the one being observed...

I have this theory about the old game 'Guess Who' was people watching utilized and translated by a genius.
I deliberately place myself in situations that allow me to watch people, which means that I am purposefully inviting humanity to infiltrate my personal space...for most its just a meaningless endeavor to pass the time-that is if you have time to spare. In my case, I don't have time to spare, but I have love to give.
When I deliberately dedicated myself to this journey of 'people watching'-I don't have to 'guess who'...I somehow revere the 'who's' that pass by...he doesn't know...she doesn't notice...

Often, I sit in feelings of oppression that I analyze into the ground...then, I digress to a thought halt and ponder if all those feelings are an overload of emotions and pain from the 'who's' that grace my world?

It's one of two things...first, I might just be terrible at emotional management or second, I might just be failing to love?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chaff and The Space Between

Sunday evening came deliberately rushing at me and then to a screeching halt on the hardwood floor. With my cell phone to my ear, I turned around from the dining room table to the living room and gazed at the 26 years of my life in 10 cardboard boxes, large plastic bins, luggage and trash bags. All I could wrap my mind around was the Truth. As I relinquished the grip on my cell phone, I collapsed to the floor, slumped my shoulders, knelt before the chaff and re-soaked myself in tears. This ‘space between’ was eclipsed in an instant…the Cross. I could not conceive this witness of His love! How could I allow this stuff to define me? Who taught me to grip stuff so tightly that my knuckles became white? Where did I learn to acquire stuff? What had this stuff made of me? One question in particular kept haunting me for the 6 months prior, ‘When would I quit this habit of idolizing stuff?’ I was overcome by pain and freedom in the same instant. It was a timeless repute worthy of no price. He had granted me a sweet gift to draw me closer to understanding His love for me.

When Right Appears Wrong

It's heavy....
It's chronic....
It's acute.....
It's black....
It's clatter....
It watches her mischievously grins at her apathetically knives her in the stares blankly into her screaming consistently kindles her twisted deceptively convinces her that right is gently manipulates her into costly silence.
A automobile 'accident' flashes through her 'unintentional' trip off the trail plays in her evening alone with fermented substances presents an option of 'recharge'....
She doesn't know her!!!
She wonders if love can win her cause 'it' has a death grip on her life....