Monday, August 3, 2009

A Royal Covenant... Signed, Sealed, Supernatural

Psalm 45:10-11
Listen to me, O royal daughter; take to heart what I say. Forget your people and your homeland far
away. For your royal husband delights in your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord.

She crys in the day. She weeps in the night.
She analyzes in the light. She tosses in the dark.
She inquires endlessly while awake. She dreams hopefully while asleep.
She screams amidst it all.
She wants to turn it off, but she does not know how!
She questions in solidarity. She daydreams in community.
She avoids connection. She desires relationship.

She saves face often. She resolves to relate rarely.
She reached out...
She is reminded of her royalty.

Does One really consider her as an entire beauty?
You are enthralled with my beauty!
You have wrapped me in Heaven's Delight!
You want all of me for yourself.

She saves face often. She resolves to relate rarely.
She reached out...
She is reminded of her royalty.

Do You want me for Your purposes as an entire beauty?
You count me as priceless.
You treat me as a precious jewel.
You eagerly catch all my tears.

She saves face often. She resolves to relate rarely.
She reached out...
She is reminded of her royalty.

Do You truly have a great destiny for me as an entire beauty?
You dream abundant dreams for me.
You paint breathtaking experiences around me.
You patiently wait for your bride.

She saves face often. She resolves to relate rarely.
She reached out...
She is reminded of her royalty.

Do You promise to celebrate and cry with me as an entire beauty?
You are pierced by my pain.
You are overwhelmed with my joyful laughter.
You are one with this fragile and warring bride.

She continues to save face. She proceeds to relate rarely.
She is reaching out more often...
Reaching out reminds her of her royalty.

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