Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yielding to Selfish Desires or I Am?

A stop sign in site...So, she stops. She is stopped for what should be the typical or should I say, legal, 3 seconds, but Hollywood has undone her patience.
A yield sign feet from her headlights...So, she yields. She yields to the right vehicle or she yields to the wrong vehicle, but McDonaldization has confused her depth in perception.
Right vehicle...wrong time - wrong timing so as to crush her being! Wrong vehicle...right time - the right time to take her out!!! Crash! She is flattened once again. She proceeded as she desired...purely selfish goggles hazed over by clouded perception...was it her impatience. She might have considered stopping longer, but her inability to wait wages war against her. If she stayed a few moments longer at the stop sign then the horns at her tail lights would have practiced singing. Those loud noises create mental turmoil in her noggin. So as to prevent an onslaught of mind battling thoughts she proceeded under pressure. Again, is she impatient or is she simply a people pleaser driven by selfish motives. Selfish motives to avoid pain....tactics to avoid the hurt end of inflicting greater wounds. In the end, she delivered herself a platter of emotional and physical pain by her reaction to what was behind and protection from what could have been lying ahead.
So, it is unrelenting! There is a fight for her life. She wants to live, but to live and die all at once!? How does she? Is she really all that selfish?
She wants to turn it all off and turn on 'I Am'...stop avoiding, stop reacting, stop worrying, stop performing, stop thinking.........Just Love - I AM!

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