Sunday, March 29, 2009

Deceased Dreams...Tombstones!

Her dreams are deceased...She can see each one individually buried beneath a white tombstone...tombstones lined up in two endless rows that decorate the flawless grass surrounding...numerous deceased far as the naked eye can glance! She floats on by...she hovers over each individual tombstone in all its purity. As she passes on by she catches a glimpse of a distant tombstone that appears to carry a hue of pink...a vibrant pink. Why is that one pink and why is that one there in the distance pink? He answers, "Because you have yet to let the buried dream be deceased. I want you to let it die. I want you to give it to me. Do not cheat on me by exhausting yourself with feeding life to that dream that I want to bury and resurrect in My timing!!! Let it die...give it to Me?" The precious is ripped from her...the dream is torn from her...the heart's desires are buried and deceased...she releases life giving and rests in the arms of the Life Giver! As she rests a perfect and faultless white dove descends and rests upon her heart...the white dove just sets upon her bleeding heart...sweetly perched and ready to heal...ready to whisper love as she peels from her dreams...she is gut wrenched as the tombstones with a pink hue begin to show a bright white! Her dreams are His dreams instilled before she was a thought to her mother and father...His dreams are her dreams yet she must permit burial by death so that divine timing in resurrection can bless the dreams with abundant life! She lay there...broken yet free! Weeping yet Loved...her dreams are deceased!

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