Thursday, April 9, 2009

4 Great Obstacles---->The Throne

She faced a great obstacle...she walked right over the obstacle as if it were a cake walk! She faced a second great obstacle...she walked right through it as if it were as superficial as paper! She faced a third great obstacle...she stared at it contemplatively and then without hesitation she walked around it! Now, she faces her fourth great obstacle...she faces it still....she is facing it currently...she is glaring at it wondering how to overcome this fourth great barrier! This great obstacle is the trial she must not truckle to...she must overcome, she must overcome, she must overcome. Endurance to destroy this fourth obstacle...this fourth test of faith! She is a shallow bowl being transformed into a deep cylinder....she is being pressing on every side so as to loose all of her and gain all of Him...only the finest of transformations...only the glorious of what is within will remain! This fourth barrier still enormous and overwhelming....the fourth barrier representing a gamut of devastation at a horizontal viewpoint.....she breaths in deep and releasing striving to tear this great obstacle to dust beneath her feet of His stance...she hears, "You must speak my Word to this fourth obstacle if you want to succeed!...Speak My Word to demolish this barrier!" She can see Him or maybe she is merely aware of His presence on the other side of the obstruction...she wants to rest in His arms...she wants ALL of Him not more of Him, but ALL of Him and none of her...why is she struggling to speak His Word to this blockade...overcoming the first three were done in such grace with no striving, but their was physical action required...why is speaking Truth difficult? Why is she hesitating in this moment? Why is she speechless...she feels mindless...she places all of herself on the altar....she says, "wipe this slate clean! Renew a right way in me and give me a pure heart a clean heart! Fill me with ALL of You Jehovah!" He obliterates all she placed on the altar with one fell swoop of His forearm...Bring your desires to me....Bring your hearts desires to me....set them here before me and trust that my purpose, destiny and dreams for you are abundantly good! Speak Truth to that barrier...Speak. Come to my Throne at my feet or into my lap and rest....Be still Princess...Be Still I command!

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